Full Sail大学


在Full Sail大学,新兴技术在每个og体育中都扮演着重要的角色. We're always innovating and looking to the future. If you're passionate about emerging technology, you belong here.

新兴技术奖学金通过向符合条件的候选人颁发全额学费奖学金,为Full Sail选择以技术为重点的学士og体育,以表彰对前瞻性教育的承诺.

To apply for a scholarship, speak to your admission representative by calling: 800.226.7625

请求的信息 关于 Our Degrees


新兴技术奖学金旨在表彰在解决问题和批判性思维能力方面具有非凡才能的个人, 在学业上取得成功, and passionate about emerging technology industries. 通过这个项目, 选择校园或在线理学学士og体育的学生将获得全额奖学金.

新兴技术奖学金计划将为符合条件的申请人提供全额奖学金,包括学费和笔记本电脑,以攻读选定的full Sail大学og体育. 申请人将需要遵守最低资格要求和申请过程部分中列出的资格标准和严格的截止日期. 入围者将被邀请参加Full Sail大学的虚拟活动,参加白板解决问题的比赛. 从比赛中选出的决赛选手获得的奖学金数量非常有限.



  • 符合入学要求的科学学士og体育:计算机科学, 网络安全, 游戏开发, 信息技术, 模拟 & Visualization, or Web Development.
  • Have earned at least one of the following: a cumulative high school GPA of 3.8或以上, an SAT分数 after February 2016 of 1133 or higher, or an ACT score of 25 or higher when the scholarship application is submitted.
  • Submit an Application for Admission by 6月22日,2024.
  • 在6月22日之前提交一份原创项目,并根据申请过程部分的说明进行截屏,2024.
  • Begin their degree program within two years of the selection for the scholarships.
  • 保持令人满意的学业进步,并遵守Full Sail大学的行为准则.

准备好迈出下一步了? 你可以 请求更多信息 关于我们的项目 and an admissions representative will be in contact with you soon.


All eligible candidates will go through the following process:


  • 候选人将在周六之前提交一份基于他们感兴趣的og体育的原创项目和视频, 6月22日, 2024.
  • See Project Requirements for Applicants section for project requirements. The link to the project and screencast must be submitted to http://go.bjqzgy.com/emerging-technology-scholarship.
  • 候选人将由Full Sail大学招生代表进行面试,并在周六之前申请入学, 6月22日, 2024.
  • 符合第一轮资格要求的候选人将在周一之前得到通知, 6月24日, 2022 of eligibility to participate in 第二轮 as semifinalists.


  • 第2轮通知后, semifinalists will submit a completed scholarship application, a copy of their high school transcript, and an official SAT or ACT score via the student Full Sail One website by Wednesday, 6月26日, 2024.
  • 提交符合资格标准的原创项目并拥有高中GPA为3分的半决赛选手.8、SAT成绩达到1133分,或ACT成绩达到25分及以上才有资格进入决赛.
  • Finalists will be notified by Friday, 6月28日, 2024 regarding their eligibility to participate in 第三轮, the whiteboard problem-solving competition held virtually by Full Sail大学.


  • 入围者将被邀请参加周六的白板解题比赛, 7月13日, 2024. Finalists will receive detailed instructions prior to the event.
  • 根据给出的标准,奖学金将于2024年7月18日星期四公布.


  • 符合第二轮资格的奖学金申请人将由新兴技术奖学金小组根据对提交的感兴趣og体育的项目的评估确定,项目申请要求部分列出, provided all eligibility requirements above are still met.
  • 符合第三轮资格的奖学金申请人将根据(1)其高中成绩单确定, SAT分数, or ACT score and (2) this scholarship application, provided all eligibility requirements are met. Applicants who have not graduated may submit unofficial transcripts.
  • 奖学金获得者将根据Full Sail大学举办的虚拟白板问题解决竞赛来确定.

规定 & 奖的需求

  • 申请者必须在被选中获得奖学金的两年内以新生身份向Full Sail大学申请入学日期.
  • og体育的变更, 中断教育, 或退出og体育可能导致取消奖学金和支付. Student understands that a change in student status may impact eligibility.
  • 奖学金的最终授予取决于在指定的开始日期之前收到所有必需的录取和经济援助文件.
  • Students who delay their start date may lose their eligibility.
  • 新兴技术奖学金的资金只能用于学费和笔记本电脑, 称为Project LaunchBox, for a Full Sail大学 campus or online Bachelor of Science degree program.
  • Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 在他们的新兴技术og体育期间,仍然有资格获得奖学金.
  • This scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable cash value.
  • Documentation provided as part of a submission will not be returned.
  • The project must be the original work of the applicant.
  • All submissions must abide by Full Sail大学’s Nondiscrimination Policy. Applicants who submit work that does not abide by this policy will be disqualified.
  • 提交的作品将由Full Sail大学的新兴技术奖学金小组进行评审.
  • 该奖学金不能与Full Sail大学发起和/或颁发的任何其他奖学金合并使用.
  • Financial aid is available to those who qualify.

Project Requirements for Applicants

All applicants must select a project listed below and submit an original project, 与视频, as specified in the following instructions:

网络安全 -提交一份项目计划,说明你将如何保护资讯科技伺服器免受未经授权的骇客攻击. The plan should include at least one identified system vulnerability, 如果利用它的意义, and possible steps to protect the system. 此外,还必须提供一个屏幕视频,解释如何保护系统的原因.

计算机科学 – Submit a software application created with a programming language of your choice. The submitted application must show significance and originality and must solve a problem using computer science principles. You must also display significant use of a programming language (e.g.、c#、c++、JavaScript、Java). The submission must include all sources and assets used to create the project. Outside sources must be cited within the submission. Submit a brief video (under 10 minutes) that includes the following:

  • A screencast/video showcasing your application/site/work and explaining its purpose.
  • An explanation of your development process. 你是怎么做的?
  • 描述由您创建和编写的内容以及来自其他来源(如内容)的内容, code, 库, 组工作, 框架, 等. 目标是将您对项目的原始贡献与外部来源区分开来.

电子工程 -提交原创项目,使用Arduino板(或同等设备)创建由外部输入设备控制的车辆. You must use a game engine (Unity or Unreal) to program your vehicle. The submitted project must include an original .STL file of the vehicle being controlled. The submission must include all sources and assets used to create the game. Outside sources must be cited within the submission. 提交必须在75 MB以下,并提交作为一个完整的项目在ZIP文件格式. Also, a screencast explaining the project and its features must be provided.

信息技术 -提交一份项目计划,说明如何将新技术集成到您的家庭网络或实验室中. Describe what you intended to accomplish, the software or hardware you used, 以及你项目的成果. The plan should include a design of your network, 服务器, 使用的操作系统, and a screencast of you demonstrating and explaining the working system.